Rivian emails: GPD tries to set up a phone call (Oct. 22 to Oct. 29)
Following initial contact between Rivian and Grand County, the next interaction I see documented between the two starts on Oct. 22, with a representative from GPD Group — an Ohio-based group working with Rivian on the project.
Good Afternoon Mila,
This is Matt Monus, I spoke with you yesterday regarding the project referenced in the subject line.
I did have an opportunity to peruse the county website looking for stormwater management requirements. I did track down two documents that appear to be directed to the Spanish Valley, most of the mapping in these documents is outside of our project area. Can you point me to the right direction of where to obtain the stormwater management requirement documentation if the two publications I listed are not correct for the area we’re working in?
Are there any county standard details that may be applicable for our type of project located online anywhere.
An email or contact name and number for your county engineer would also be helpful.
Matthew Monus, Civil Engineer, GPD Group; Oct. 22
Hi Matt,
I’ve copied our County Engineer on this email in the hopes that he can help you with the appropriate guidelines. Dave, this is for a project north of town near Highway 191/313 intersection.
Mila Dunbar-Irwin, Planning Director, Grand County; Oct. 26
The Grand County Construction Standards Section II. Storm Water Management apply throughout the county. We are not worried about strict detention requirements in this location as much as using BMP’s for water quality and sound practices for erosion control.
David Dillman, Principal, Horrocks Engineering (Grand County Engineer via contract); Oct. 26
Thanks Dave.
So it sounds like we could possibly avoid detention but some methodology of water quality BMPs will be necessary, either structural of non-structural? If we were to look into some type of water reclamation and reuse for irrigation or graywater does the county have any specific pre-manufactured systems that they prefer or are familiar with?
Also, regarding the review process, Mila, from our discussion it sounded like Engineering would not review anything until we had planning approval, does that sound correct?
If/when planning approval is achieved will we be responsible for sending plans to each agency or do we make one submittal package and the county then distributes to the applicable reviewing agencies?
I’m under the assumption that any permits that will be at the state level (Utah Division of Water Rights & Utah Department of Environmental Quality – LEW) will need to be made by us separately? One more item regarding the erosion control, is there a local conservation district or other agency at all that reviews the plans we prepare? Just speaking from experience we have with different states we typically run into a situation where the local conservation district (if present) reviews our plans for compliance with the state permit (NPDES/UPDES). Is that the case for Utah?
Any responses you have at this time will be helpful. We can always talk by phone if necessary so let me know.
Matthew Monus, Civil Engineer, GPD Group; Oct. 27
Hi Matt,
You’ll submit an application to Planning and we will have a review meeting with the applicable agencies, including engineering. You are responsible for your own State permits, yes. We ask that you get at least a “will serve” letter from any utilities that will serve the development prior to turning in the application - in your case, I think this would just be RMP.
Hope that helps.
Mila Dunbar-Irwin, Planning Director, Grand County; Oct. 27
Thanks Mila, this helps, we will reach out if we have anymore questions.
Matthew Monus, Civil Engineer, GPD Group; Oct. 27
Good afternoon. I do have just a handful of additional questions I’d like to go over with you having review the Land Development Code and compared to the Small Area Plan.
Do you have any availability this afternoon to discuss?
Josh Lyons, Project Manager, GPD Group; Oct. 27
From here, it’s just phone and email tag. It looks like they finally connected on Oct. 29, two days later.
Sorry, I’m in a meeting until 5pm today. Tomorrow?
Mila Dunbar-Irwin, Planning Director, Grand County; Oct. 27
Tomorrow is good. Any specific time?
Josh Lyons, Project Manager, GPD Group; Oct. 27
Hi Josh,
Call me anytime this afternoon before 4. 435-259-1371
Mila Dunbar-Irwin, Planning Director, Grand County; Oct. 28
Want to try again tomorrow? Haha.
Josh Lyons, Project Manager, GPD Group; Oct. 27
Hey Josh,
This is a crazy week, sorry. I’m moving and working at the same time. Tomorrow sounds good.
Let’s do morning.
Mila Dunbar-Irwin, Planning Director, Grand County; Oct. 28
Just left another VM. I am around the remainder of the day to discuss.
Josh Lyons, Project Manager, GPD Group; Oct. 29
Hi Josh!
I was on the phone, sorry. People always seem to know exactly when I’m on another call. I’ll give you a ring back in 10.
Mila Dunbar-Irwin, Planning Director, Grand County; Oct. 29
Ha. I am available anytime.
Josh Lyons, Project Manager, GPD Group; Oct. 29
Tag, you’re it!
Josh Lyons, Project Manager, GPD Group; Oct. 29
The 435-259-1371 number?
Josh Lyons, Project Manager, GPD Group; Oct. 29
Yes, that’s the one. Did you just call? I was on another call…
Mila Dunbar-Irwin, Planning Director, Grand County; Oct. 29